Short and Simple (Fake Friends)


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Today we're going to talk about.....

                    Fake Friends.....

As a person who has had a fair share of fake friends and as someone who has more fake friends in their life than the cereal in their bowl, I can proudly say that you have come to the right place and you are going to return wiser.

First of all, how to know if someone is a fake friend...

1) Every time you meet them, you're going to feel bad about yourself. The first few times this happens, you might not even notice, but it becomes evident eventually.

2) They will do anything to bring your flaws, or anything bad about you or bad that happened to you, out to the public eye. And they will continue to do this even after you have told them not to. 

                                                           yeah, the audacity......

3) A friend should be helping you out when you are in need, they don't just sit and watch. And even if it's obvious, they will just act like they don't know. I have gone through my worst phase of burnout and stress with my so-called friend sitting right next to me without even asking me how I'm doing. And if they make an excuse that "we're not even that close" then why did you come to me in your rough times saying, I am the only person you could talk to right now. 

4) You know when someone is jealous because they will talk rubbish about you in front of you, laughing, trying to pass it as a joke. I know that this happens a lot, even in genuine friendships, but you can make a difference quite easily. And if it doesn't feel off, it's probably not jealousy. Jealousy is more obvious than it sounds, you can catch it in that one moment right after they tell the joke.  

5) A happiness sucker, I have not encountered anyone like that but I certainly know of those people. They will literally scrape out the happiness off your life.  You will see the change sooner or later. My advice, run away or make them run away as soon as possible. 

6) Someone who tries to benefit from you, for instance, if you are good at something, then they will come up to, butter you up, get your help in doing that stuff and disappear and only come again when they need you.

7) You do something for someone together and they take all of the credit. I have a special dictionary of explicit words just for them. 

8) A friend who hangs out with everyone. Now that is not all bad unless they are not spending any time with you now. Take the hint, and leave them alone, they will realise that you were a gem but then it will be too late. 

9) They make fun of your appearance. Tell them off. 

10) They say that your feelings or your interests are irrelevant. Tell them off too. 

11) At last, if they speak ill of your family. Beat the soul out of their body. 

Now, what do you do with such people?

Nothing, absolutely nothing. Don't answer their calls or texts, and don't help them, they are not worth the time. 


That would be it for today, I know this was a lot but how much ever you speak of people like these, it's less. 




  1. Hi Sara ma'am, it's a wonderful story. I'm a very very big fan of you and read your stories as soon as you post them and wait for another. It helped me so much. I also found out that my 6/8 friends were fake friends. Thank you so much for all these stories. Your stories are so beautiful just like a WOW.


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