Short & Simple (Overachivers)


So this time let's put the short stories and poems aside and talk about ourselves...

Honestly, I have too much to speak about but maybe stick to one thing for today, and that would be 



So by no means am I an overachiever and I would undoubtedly need more than two hands to count the people I know who are better than me, cooler than me and so much more. And I've always looked up to those people, wishing I could take their good parts and weave a new me with them. 

And for that, I've done several things like being in the top three of my class whatever it takes, learning four languages apart from my native, having something that sets me apart from everyone, only speaking what will please others, trying to be just and the person who someone would need in their darkest times. 

But one thing I hate the most about myself would be that I could never speak for myself. I would rather quite myself, suffocate and hold up until someone could see. And that is something that puts me off the overachiever's list.

But by no means have I lost hope, I still fight to fill up that space. And for that thanks to my friends and my readers.

The thing that is so tempting about Overachievers is that they stand up in their hardest times and live, and work at multiple things. 

They are, what I like to call, the True People, people who actually fulfil their purpose as humans, something that tempts me, to do the most, never sit back and just watch, always to work hard on one or the other thing. 

So that would be it for today, I hope you enjoyed reading this piece. 

And I'd bring more of these short & simple episodes, probably every Wednesday for you to read. 

At last thanks to my Singapore readers, as I've noticed on the stats about the many readers from there.  




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