Tainted {Chapter 1}


She had a choice...turn back to the voice or keep staring at the name in front of her...

Everybody turned their heads to the sound of Mrs. Forger's echoing heels at the entrance of the big conference hall and turned back to their notepads in an attempt to look busy.

Everyone got up from their seats as she approached the table and greeted her.

The reply was a subtle node. The council was used to this behavior of Mrs. Forge by now. 

Taking their seats, they waited for her to fish out the papers she was searching for, in her big bundle.  

Hemlock High had never been like how it was today...everybody had gone in a sort of silent mourning. 

After all, it's not very usual that you see one of your classmates on the newspaper cover page for the news of her death...

Alexandria was murdered in ways that would make chills run down your spine. She was slashed with a big knife-like thing violently and with savagery. 

Straightening her skirt and squaring her shoulders Mrs. Forge began 'I suppose everybody is familiar with the issue at hand.'

The reply was united nods from every council member seated at the conference table. 

'The committee members are not sure to what extent our involvement will be needed in the investigation of the murder. But the police will be here to ask you questions.'

Mrs. Forge took a deep breath and once again began 'Though our main concern is not that. We must send someone from the school to report and journal everything that happens in the investigation.'

Fixing her gaze on Felicia, Mrs. Forge gave a stern nod and left with her usual grace.

For a person who doesn't speak much, their actions speak louder. 

Everybody knew what Mrs. Forge meant by that not-so-subtle nod and how happy Felicia was from her small smile. 


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